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How does the distributor avoid the storage risk of components

Nov. 14, 2022

Whether the storage and handling of electronic components are standardized and correct is one of the criteria to distinguish the merits of a component distributor. On the one hand, the upstream OEM will list the "component storage specification" as part of the assessment criteria of authorized partners; On the other hand, regulating the storage mode of electronic components is the key link for distributors to practice product quality management. Incorrect storage may lead to damage or even scrap of components.  Therefore, when dealing with the storage problems related to electronic components, enterprise decision makers must have a problem solving mentality. This means companies need to invest more resources, such as using climate control systems, building automated warehouses and so on.

How does the distributor avoid the storage risk of components

How does the distributor avoid the storage risk of components

Understand the risk of component storage failures

Non-standard storage of electronic components will have many negative effects. Understanding the potential risks associated with component storage first enables warehouse managers to develop appropriate preventive measures in advance so that they can become more familiar with solutions and avoid them.  In the process of storage, oxidation and vapor diffusion are two major risks faced by electronic components. Therefore, storing electronic components in dry storage cabinets is a solution to prevent oxidation. Another solution is to place components in vacuum-packed moisture-proof bags. As long as the bag is filled with nitrogen, it is absolutely feasible to prevent oxidation.  Similarly, dry storage cabinets and moisture bags can also effectively prevent components from absorbing moisture or gas.  Vapor diffusion is the way in which vapor moves in response to air flow or pressure differences. In a component warehouse, steam may spread everywhere, and printed circuit boards (PCBS) and other precision components are particularly at risk of absorbing moisture. Placing components in moisture-proof bags and storing them in dry storage cabinets reduces the threat of vapor diffusion.  A third storage dilemma for electronic components is the difficulty of visualizing them. Without disassembly, it is usually impossible to find the extent of damage to the component itself.

Cooperate with temperature and humidity control system suppliers

The "climate control system" of electronic components warehouse mainly controls temperature and humidity, so it can also be directly called "temperature and humidity control system". The supplier of temperature and humidity control system is proficient in the anti-oxidation and moisture-proof methods of warehouse storage, and can provide professional storage specification suggestions for different types of components.  It is very important for the storage of electronic components to keep constant temperature and humidity in the warehouse. Temperature changes the shape of plastic, and metals expand or contract in response to temperature changes. Humidity is also critical, when the humidity is too low, the tolerance of components is reduced, itself will become brittle; On the contrary, high humidity can negatively affect the electrical conductivity of components.

Help from automated warehouses

Today, more and more head distributors in the industry are voluntarily pursuing automation to improve their workflow. These automation attempts are not only in the warehouse, but also in manufacturing, internal management, strategic decisions.  As mentioned above, placing electronic components in a storage cabinet with constant temperature and humidity is a reliable way to protect them. Based on this, many factories have further deployed automation to improve the operability of this approach. For example, add automated transportation to reduce the number of physical contacts between components and people as they move around the plant

At present, many electronic components are in high demand and short supply. The correct storage of the necessary components can help the upstream and downstream of the industry chain to cope with the supply crisis and ensure that more components are available to guarantee the routine production and operation.

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